Windows Live Mail Email Setup

The information that you will need is:

  • Email Address:
  • Account Username:
  • Account Password:
  • POP3 Incoming Mail Server: (
  • SMTP Outgoing Mail Server: (

Other Settings

  • Outgoing Mail Server Requires Password Authentication (needs a password to send)
  • Change outgoing SMTP server port from 25 to 366 (some ISPs block port 25)

Setup Directions

  1. Open Windows Live Mail and go to Pull-Down at the left of the menu
  2. Select Options / Email Accounts - Accounts dialogue box comes up
  3. Click on Add / Email Account - Add Your Email Account box opens
  4. Fill in your Email Address
  5. Fill in your password and click on Remember the password (unless you want to fill it in each time you need to check your email).
  6. Fill in Display Name (Your name.  This is what shows to the person receiving a message from you.)
  7. Click on Manually configure server settings
  8. Click Next
  9. Incoming Server information: Server type: POP
  10. Server Address:
  11. Port: 110
  12. Do NOT check Requires Secure connection (SSL)
  13. Authenticate using: Clear Text
  14. Logon user name: fill in what was sent to you
  15. Outgoing server information:
  16. Port: 366 (some ISPs block port 25)
  17. Do NOT check Requires Secure connection (SSL)
  18. Check Requires authentication
  19. Click Next
  20. Click Finish
  21. Highlight your new account in Accounts box
  22. Click on Properties
  23. Click on Advanced
  24. At the bottom click the last 3 boxes to leave a copy on the server for a few days so if you need to check your email using webmail.