The information that you will need is:
- Email Address:
- Account Username:
- Account Password:
- POP3 Incoming Mail Server: (
- SMTP Outgoing Mail Server: (
Other Settings
- Outgoing Mail Server Requires Password Authentication (needs a password to send)
- Change outgoing SMTP server port from 25 to 366 (some ISPs block port 25)
Setup Directions
- Launch Mail by selecting it from the dock
- If its the first time you've used Mail, the setup screen will come up first otherwise, click Mail from the top menu, and select Preferences from the drop down list
- On the Accounts screen, select the Add Account button
- On the Account Type: drop down menu, select POP3.
- In the Description: field, enter a descriptive title - for example "Your Domain E-Mail".
- Enter your E-Mail address and full name in the space provided.
- Your Incoming Mail Server: must be set to (using your domain name).
- Enter your username that was sent to you.
- After entering your password in the space provided, select the drop down icon.
- Make sure the (using your domain name) is the selected Outgoing Mail Server at the bottom of the screen.
- On the SMTP Server Options screen, enter (using your domain name) as your Outgoing Mail Server. Make sure that the Server port is set to 366. Make sure that Authentication is set to Password and enter your email user name and password in the designated fields. Click OK to return to the Account window.
- Click to enlarge
- Click OK when you return to the Account Information screen, and then close the Accounts window. You can now begin sending and receiving your Domain Email.
Other Sources