Web Mail / Change Password / Set Auto-Reponse

You can access your email from any computer that has access to the internet.  You can also change your password, set an auto-response message and add alias names that you can receive email. The first step is to connect to your web mail:

  1. Open Internet Explorer or other browser on any computer connected to the Internet and type http://mail.xxxxxxx.xxx (your domain name) in the address bar
  2. You'll see a screen that says Icewarp WebMail
  3. Enter your Username and Password and click on login
  4. You can view your messages, respond to them, and delete them without having to download them

You can change the look by clicking on Settings and changing WebMail layout.  I like the Outlook 2003 look.


  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on Accounts
  3. Click on Modify
  4. Enter New Password and Confirm New Password
  5. Click Save Changes


  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on Auto Responder
  3. Type in your message
  4. Set Status to Reply Once
  5. Click Save Changes