The information that you will need is:
- Email Address:
- Account Username:
- Account Password:
- POP3 Incoming Mail Server: (
- SMTP Outgoing Mail Server: (
Other Settings
- Outgoing Mail Server Requires Password Authentication (needs a password to send)
- Change outgoing SMTP server port from 25 to 366 (some ISPs block port 25)
Setup Directions
- Open Windows Live Mail and go to Pull-Down at the left of the menu
- Select Options / Email Accounts - Accounts dialogue box comes up
- Click on Add / Email Account - Add Your Email Account box opens
- Fill in your Email Address
- Fill in your password and click on Remember the password (unless you want to fill it in each time you need to check your email).
- Fill in Display Name (Your name. This is what shows to the person receiving a message from you.)
- Click on Manually configure server settings
- Click Next
- Incoming Server information: Server type: POP
- Server Address:
- Port: 110
- Do NOT check Requires Secure connection (SSL)
- Authenticate using: Clear Text
- Logon user name: fill in what was sent to you
- Outgoing server information:
- Port: 366 (some ISPs block port 25)
- Do NOT check Requires Secure connection (SSL)
- Check Requires authentication
- Click Next
- Click Finish
- Highlight your new account in Accounts box
- Click on Properties
- Click on Advanced
- At the bottom click the last 3 boxes to leave a copy on the server for a few days so if you need to check your email using webmail.